
In a global context where cybersecurity threats are constantly increasing, the protection of critical transport infrastructures has become a priority to ensure the continuity of European supply chains. To address these challenges, a community of partners gathered in Bologna, forming the consortium of the TRANSCEND project. This initiative aims to strengthen the resilience of strategic infrastructures in the logistics sector and enhance response capabilities to cyber attacks and operational disruptions.

Critical infrastructures include key elements for the functioning of transport networks, such as intermodal terminals, logistics centers, and storage facilities. A concrete example is the Interporto of Bologna, a logistics hub of strategic importance for freight transport in Europe, which hosts, among others, the Gruber Logistics warehouse. This hub, essential for managing transport flows to and from various European destinations, is a key focus of the project to implement advanced monitoring and protection solutions.

TRANSCEND is an initiative funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe program. Its goal is to improve the resilience of transport infrastructures by adopting digital technologies to proactively respond to cyber threats and natural disasters. The project involves international partners and focuses on advanced solutions for monitoring and protecting transport networks, using innovative process mining techniques and data analysis to detect suspicious activities and potential attacks.

During the official kick-off meeting, held on October 2nd and 3rd, 2024, at the headquarters of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Interporto of Bologna, participants outlined the operational guidelines for the coming months, discussed each partner’s contributions, and visited key project facilities, including the Gruber Logistics warehouse. These days, the processes to be mapped to extract the recurring data structure that can be modeled and, therefore, protected are being defined.

Gruber Logistics, a European leader in logistics, plays a crucial role in the TRANSCEND project, contributing with its expertise in managing transport flows and integrating innovative solutions for security and operational efficiency. The company from South Tyrol is involved in a pilot action in Bologna, aimed at testing and implementing new approaches for the protection and intelligent management of logistics infrastructures.

The kick-off meeting took place at a significant moment: October 2024 marks the 21st Cybersecurity Awareness Month, with the enduring theme „Secure Our World,“ a reminder for everyone to take simple steps to protect the digital world and prevent cyber threats. TRANSCEND represents an important step for the future of European logistics, aiming to create a more resilient, secure, and sustainable transport system. Through projects like this, the European Union reaffirms its commitment to innovation and international collaboration to strengthen the continent’s strategic infrastructures.

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