Our fleet can count on more than 2350 transport units, from small 7.5-ton trucks to special vehicles suitable for transports with a total weight of up to 170 tons.
Our corporate responsibility does not end during transportation, but is embodied in our concrete commitment to environmental protection. Ninety-eight percent of our fleet consists of Euro 6 engines with an average age of two years, and as of 2021, we have added 100 LNG tractors powered by liquefied natural gas to our fleet. Progressively, we increased the shares of Biolng, which offers significant reductions in carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.
80 Biodiesel (B100) powered vehicles have been added to the existing vehicles, and an increasing percentage of refueling is now done using HVO
Followed by numerous tests in Europe with electric and hydrogen vehicles, we are now about to enter the era of electric drive with the first vehicles entering the fleet.