Even on longer car journeys, a co-driver is a valuable relief: they take over or at least accompany the navigation, generally provide better entertainment and act as a corrective for the driver in potentially dicey situations. In the world of large and heavy goods transport (XTL), however, the driver’s support is far more than just helpful – it is essential. The notices issued in advance by the various authorities along the route in the application for each XTL often comprise more than 100 pages containing the requirements to be observed during a transport. Neither reading them during the journey nor memorizing them in advance are practical solutions. This is where the co-driver comes into play – or, in times of technological progress and acute staff shortages in the industry, increasingly its digital counterpart.

The digital co-driver supports the company and, above all, the drivers in meeting the high requirements of every XTL transport – from complying with strict legal regulations to ensuring maximum road safety. This modern, (personnel) resource-saving technology, usually implemented as an app, is a pilot project that has already been implemented and is increasingly being used in XTL transports. In the near future, it is foreseeable that the digital co-driver will not only be an option, but will also be part of the regulations in future approval notices – and will therefore have to be considered as an additional, mandatory cost item for the shipper. In light of these developments, we want to take a closer look in this article at the benefits of digital driver assistance developed specifically for the large and heavy goods transport industry and why this technology is so important for your transport business.

In the XTL industry, compliance with permits and regulations is essential. With increasingly complex requirements from the authorities, digital co-driver technology will soon be more than just a useful tool – it is expected to become mandatory. But the silver lining of this development lies in the numerous benefits of the driving assistant: In addition to easing the burden on the driver and the transport company, which does not have to schedule an additional person for transportation, the technology helps to precisely adhere to the prescribed routes and associated requirements. For example, the digital assistant visualizes the entire scope of the relevant driving requirements and the complete instructions for all persons involved in the transport, including those from the administration, or reproduces them audibly if necessary. It is always up to date and does not distract the driver in critical situations at the wheel. The apps, which are available in a variety of languages, are also an excellent solution for international transport companies and those with different nationalities in their workforce.

Driving assistance makes a significant contribution to road safety, especially on frequently driven routes, where drivers often only feel they have an overview of all the notices and requirements. It informs drivers in real time about the approved route and all important conditions – and takes into account the latest changes, which can otherwise easily get lost in the flood of information. This minimizes the risk of accidents and incorrect routing. In the event of route changes due to changes made by the authorities to the approved route sections, the initially planned route may be abandoned. This can affect roads on a regular route that the driver is very familiar with and may then lead them across uncharted territory. In such cases, the technology gives an immediate warning so that the driver can react in good time and reorient himself.

Thorough tour preparation is and remains the key to a smooth transportation process. Digital co-drivers often provide a detailed briefing by communicating and explaining all driving requirements and instructions visually and audibly before the journey begins. During the journey, the driver must and can concentrate fully on the road. The driver assistance system takes care of navigating the route, as well as through complicated bureaucratic requirements – all essential information is available at all times.

In view of the increasingly acute shortage of personnel in the industry, the soon-to-be-prescribed technology is an indispensable partner for any transport company operating in the XTL sector. By supporting compliance with legal regulations, increasing road safety, efficient tour preparation and relieving the burden on drivers, the driving assistant ensures that your transports run smoothly.

Gruber Logistics: Between official regulations and practical implementation

As a leading company in the large and heavy haulage sector, Gruber Logistics welcomes every innovation that contributes to increasing road safety and efficiency. The digital co-driver undoubtedly represents a significant technological advancement that is capable of mastering the challenges of modern XTL transports. However, we are concerned about the increasing obligation of such technologies by government regulations, which will inevitably mean additional costs for our customers.

Although we clearly recognize the benefits of digital driver assistance and are actively driving its introduction in our own processes, we must also keep an eye on the cost-benefit ratio. However, the budget allocation here seems to make more sense compared to some other requirements – for example, the prescribed number of escort vehicles, the costs of which must also be borne by the clients.

Despite the additional costs incurred by shippers, our goal remains clear: we carry out safe transportation that must simultaneously and above all meet the requirements of our customers. In doing so, we continue to advocate pragmatic solutions that do justice to both transport safety and the economic framework conditions.

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